Earth Observations

In Earth Observations, a number of basic data is gathered and quality-assured, and then used for a broad variety of public and private purposes. This is basic data that is easy to combine with other data and which is updated continuously.

JOB has expertise in the collection, interpretation and use of data from drones, airplanes and satellites.

This is an expertise that, among other things, is used in the production of GeoDanmark orthophotos, oblique photos, summer orthophotos and joint public procurements. We also represent Denmark in the joint European satellite programme Copernicus.

In addition, JOB is responsible for the data used in Denmark’s Height Model and products derived thereof. We carry out the collection, quality assurance, interpretation and use of such data for analyses of terrain, climate and water. We also have an important role in consolidating, further developing, updating and stimulating the use of the height model.

Key tasks

  • Acquirering, interpretation and use of images and data from airplanes and satellites, including oblique photos.
  • Participation in joint public forums on possible uses of earth observations, etc.
  • Danish Elevation Model and products derived thereof, including collaborations on use and updates.  

Head of department: Theresa Kjærside

Contact Earth Observations